Work in progress...

What most people don't understand is that languages, including English, very often combine words together, called compound words. Antiracism for example is not one word, but three, anti-race-ism. Many of these compound words are wrongfully and deliberately redefined outside of their original meaning, and changed repeatedly to fit with a loaded hidden meaning by corrupt people with an evil agenda. These people tend to almost exclusively identify with the political left wing, and their rapid changing of definitions is intended to vandalise and rewrite history for the purpose of undermining and deleting straight people, white people, men, and other highly specific traits. To understand their intent and tactics, and to decypher their ever changing buzzword code talk, you need to understand the rules of langlage. Prefixes that go before a word. Suffixes that go after a word. And the etymology of a root word, which is the meaning and history of a word. An example of a root word is polis, root of other words like policy, police and politician. A polis is a type of government, where politicians are supposed to pass on the rules decided by the citizens, write it into policy, and enforce those rules with police. Polis -> politician -> policy -> police. The leftards who misuse language, change the meaning of words to make dirty things sound clean and clean things sound dirty. They even make up nouns, names for things, that mean something other than what a typical person would interpret them to mean. Like Communism. Literally meaning an ideology about the community. A typical person might see that as a good thing, being community focused. But it lacks context on what that focus really is. It isn't about serving the needs of the community, but dominating and controlling the community. Communists talk about equality, but what they don't tell you is that you are not equally powerful and able to compete, but equally and totally powerless and unable to compete or resist the government overlords. They claim it's a system without classes, but it has two classes. The totally powerful and the hopelessly powerless. Communism is a trojan horse cyanide pill covered in sugar. Let that be an example of how deceptive and dangerous words can be if you don't understand the words and hidden intent behind them, especially when you put them into mantras, like 'Diversity is our strength', 'Multiculturalism is good', and 'Islam is the religion of peace'. Peace, love and unity they say, but what they really mean is forced submission, blind obedience and conformity. Their words are lethal poison, pretending to be rainbows and sunshine. And because their definitions are vague and secret, they can and do change them rapidly at will when caught and cornered. When you understand basic psychology and how to use language properly, you can decypher any code talk, and know a person more than they know themselves in just a few sentences. You can predict their moves long in advance, walk safely over their traps, use their own words against them and make them fall on their own sword.
Top - Prefixes - Suffixes - Important word/term definitions
Prefix Meaning Examples
a- or an- or -ag without, not anesthetic, atheist, agnostic
  to, towards aside, aback
  process of, state of anew, aglow, alight
  completely abashed
ab- away, from abject, abscess, abdicate
ac-, ad-, af-, an-, ap-, as-, at- movement to, change into, addition, increase advance, accrue, affront, annul, appointment, assemble, attend
ante- before, preceeding antecedent, anteroom, antetype
anti- against antibiotics, antioxidant, antichrist
auto- self autoimmune, autonomous, automobile
ben- good benefit, benign
bi- two, both bifocals, bipolar, bipartisan
circum- around circumference, circumstance, circumcision
co- jointly, together codriver, cooperate, coordinate
com-, con- with, completely compose, compute, conserve
contra-, counter- against, opposite contraceptive, contraband, contravene
de- down, away, reverse descend, despair, deduct
dia- through, across diametric, diagonal, dialect
dis- negate, remove, lack of disadvantage, dismount, displacement
eu- good, normal eugenics, eulogy, euphony
en-, em- bring into, put into, intensify enlighten, ensnare, enrage
ex- former, previous exwife, extinct, expatriate
  out, up, grow, completely exalt, expand, expel
extra-, extro-, exo-, ecto- outside, beyond, after exoskeleton, extraterrestrial, extrovert
for-, fore- before, gone, without foresee, foreshadow, forget
  front forearm, foreground
hemi- half hemisphere, hemicircle, hemiplegic
hyper- bigger, more, increase, above, excessive hypersonic, hyperactive, hypertension
hypo- smaller, less, decrease, below, insufficient hypothermia, hypothetical, hypodermic
im-, in-, ir- not, without, against inappropriate, impossible, irrelevant
  into, towards, inside influence, influx, inbred
infra- below infrared, infrastructure
inter- among, between interact, interchange, intervene
intra-, intro- inside, within introvert, intravenous, introspect
  first introduction
macro- large, outside macrobiotic, macrocosm, macrophage
mal- bad, broken malfunction, malignant, malabsorption
micro- small, inside microorganism, microwave, microcosm
mis- wrong, false misfortune, mistake, misdirect
mono- one monopoly, monobrow, monolog
multi- many multitask, multiple, multiculturalism
non-, no- not, lacking, absent, negation nonsmoker, nonsense, nowhere
ob-, oc-, of-, op- against, over, blocking, concealing obstruct, occult, oppose
omni- all omnipotent, omnivirus, omnivore
out- surpassing, external, away from, removed from outperform, outdated, outstanding
over- excessive, completely, above, outside, beyond normal overconfident, overcoat, overload
peri- round, about perimeter, peripheral, periscope
poly- many, plural, two or more polygamous, polygon, polymer
post- after postpone, postgraduate, postpaid
pre- before prepare, premade, prepaid
pro- forward progress, promotion, promote
quad- four quadriplegic, quadrangle, quadruplets
re- again, back reform, reset, regenerate
semi- half, partly semicircle, semiconscious, semitrailer
sub-, sup-, sus- under submarine, suspense, suppose
super-, supra- above, excessive superman, supercharge, suprarational
sym-, sin- with, together symphony, synergy, synthetic
trans- change, across, beyond transform, transportation, transnational
tri- three tricycle, triple, trifecta
ultra- beyond, excessive, extreme ultrasonic, ultraviolet, ultracombo
un- not, reverse, opposite unplug, undead, unhappy
uni- one uniform, universe, unified
under- beneath, below, insufficient underarm, undercarriage, underdeveloped
Top - Prefixes - Suffixes - Important word/term definitions
Suffix Meaning Examples
-able able, capable, possible, probable to be excitable, portable, preventable
-ac pertaining to cardiac, hemophiliac, maniac
-acity, -ocity quality of audacity, velocity, capacity
-ade act, action, process, product blockade, stockade, promenade
-age action or process passage, pilgrimage, voyage
-aholic, -oholic one with an obsession for workaholic, shopaholic, alcoholic
-al relating to bacterial, theatrical, natural
-algia pain fibromyalgia, neuralgia, nostalgia
-an, -ian relating to, belonging to italian, urban, european
-ance state or quality of brilliance, defiance, annoyance
-ant a person who applicant, immigrant, servant
-ar of or replating to, being lunar, molecular, solar
-ard a person who does an action coward, sluggard, wizard
-arian a person who disciplinarian, vegetarian, librarian
-arium, -orium, -ium a realm of or place for terrarium, aquarium, solarium
-ary of or relating to literary, military, budgetary
-ate (verb) state or quality of affectionate, desolate, obstinate
-ate (adjective) state or quality of activate, evaporate, medicate
-ation action or process creation, narration, emancipation
-ative tending to creative, preservative, talkative
-cide act of killing homocide, suicide, regicide
-cracy rule, government, power democracy, aristocracy, technocracy
-crat one who wields government power democrat, aristocrat, technocrat
-cule diminutive (making small) molecule, ridicule, capsule
-cy state, condition, quality efficiency, privacy, belligerancy
-cycle circle, wheel bicycle, tricycle, recycle
-dom condition, state, realm boredom, freedom, wisdom
-dox belief, praise orthodox, heterodox, paradox
-ectomy surgical removal of appendectomy, hysterectomy, vasectomy
-ed past tense called, hammered, laughed
-ee receiver, performer nominee, employee, devotee
-eer associated with, engaged in engineer, volumteer, puppeteer
-emia blood condition anemia, leukemia, hypoglycemia
-en makes the word a verb awaken, fasten, strengthen
-ence state, conmdition, action absence, dependence, negligence
-ency condition, quality clemency, dependency, efficiency
-ent perform, cause competent, correspondent, absorbent
-er more bigger, faster, happier
  action or process flutter, ponder, stutter
  one who does an action announcer, barber, teacher
-ern state or quality of eastern, northern, western
-escence state or process adolescence, evanescence, convalescence
-ese relating to a place chinese, congalese, vietnamese
-esque in the style of grotesque, burlesque, picturesque
-ess female actress, heiress, lioness
-est most funniest, hottest, silliest
-etic relating to, makes word into adjective athletic, energetic, poetic
-ette diminutive (making small) cigarette, diskette, kitchenette
-ful full of helpful, thankful, cheerful
-fy make, cause, makes word into verb amplify, falsify, terrify
-gam, -gamy marriage, union monogamy, polygamy, hypergamy
-gon, -gonic angle hexagon, pentagon, polygonic
-hood state, condition, quality childhood, neighbourhood, motherhood
-ial relating to celestial, editorial, martial
-ian relating to martian, utopian, librarian
-iasis diseased condition psoriasis, candidiasis, teniasis
-iatric, -iatry relating to fake, exploitative medical profession psychiatry, pediatric, geriatric
-ible able to be audible, plausible, credible
-ic, -ical relating to, characterised by analytical, comical, organic
-ile relating to, capable of agile, docile, volatile
-ily in what manner sloppily, steadily, temporarily
-ine relating to canine, feminine, masculine
-ing materials bedding, frosting, roofing
  active action or process dancing, seeing, writing
-ion action, process, state of celebration, completion, navigation
-ious havingf qualities of, full of ambitious, cautious, conscious
-ish (noun) belonging to
(adjective) a little, general resemblance
softish, foolish, Jewish
-ism ideology communism, socialism, environmentalism
-ist adherent of an ideology communist, socialist, environmentalist
-ite resident, follower, product of suburbanite, dynamite, semite
-itis inflammation, preoccupation appendicitis, tonsillitis, dermatitis
-ity state, condition, quality abnormality, civility, necessity
-ive inclined to, quality of, that which atrtractive, expensive, repulsive
-isation, -ization act, process of making colonisation, fertilisation, modernisation
-ise, -ize cause, treat, become antagonise, authorise, popularise
-less without fearless, helpless, homeless
-let version of booklet, droplet, inlet
-like resembling, similar characteristic childlike, lifelike, dovelike
-ling younger, inferior duckling, underling, weakling
-log, -logue database, adherent to database catalog, ideologue, dialogue
-ly in such manner badly, courageously, happily
-ment action, result movement, placement, shipment
-ness state, qualitry, makes word a noun kindness, shyness, weakness
-oid resembling humanoid, tabloid, hemmorhoid
-ology study of, science of anthropology, archaeology, biology
-oma tumor, swelling carcinoma, osteoma, hematoma
-onym name, word synonym, antonym, homonym
-opia eye defect myopia, nyctalopia, hyperopia
-opsy examination biopsy, autopsy, necropsy
-or one who is or does investor, translator, impostor
-ory relating to armory, dormitory, laboratory
-osis process of diseased condition diagnosis, prognosis, psychosis
-ostomy, -otomy surgical procedure colostomy, lobotomy, dichotomy
-ous full of hazardous, humourous, wondrous
-path one who engages in naturopath, homeopath, psychopath
-pathy feeling, sensation or disease sympathy, apathy, psychopathy
-phile fetish or niche astrophile, audiophile, pedophile
-phobia irrational fear of acrophobia, claustrophobia, arachnophobia
-phone sound telephone, microphone, xylophone
-phyte plant, grow zoophyte, cryptophyte, epiphyte
-plegia paralysis paraplegia, quadriplegia, hemiplegia
-pnea, -pnoea air, spirit apnoea, hyperpnoea, orthopnoea
-scope tool of exam microscope, telescope, gastroscope
-scopy visual exam microscopy, telescopy, gastroscopy
-scribe to write transcribe, subscribe, describe
-script as written transcript, subscript, manuscript
-sect to cut dissect, insect, bisect
-ship qualification, skill, status citizenship, friendship, hardship
-some loosely characterised by awesome, quarrelsome, worrisome
-sophy wisdom, knowledge philosophy, anthroposophy, pansophy
-th referring to attribute depth, length, strength
-tome, -tomy to cut hysterectomy, epitome, anatomy
-trophy reduce, disable, break down, take apart atrophy, dystrophy, hypertrophy
-tude measure of fortitude, gtatitude, magnitude
-ty quality of ability, honesty, loyalty
-ular shape of, resembling, relating to cellular, circular, muscular
-uous resembling, surrounding, similar arduous, tumultuous, virtuous
-ure action, condition closure, erasure, failure
-ward direction backward, eastward, homeward
-ware of the same type hardware, software, kitchenware
-wise in a manner or direction clockwise, lengthwise, otherwise
-y, -ey made up of brainy, fruity, gooey
Important word/term definitions
Top - Prefixes - Suffixes - Important word/term definitions
Hate speech - Any speech that is hateful, which is perfectlly within the spirit of law. The freedom to publically and factually criticise what you hate without government persecution, is a the central foundation of all rights. In the loaded common usage, 'hate speech' is a hollow buzz word mntra with an incoherent, vague, alternative meaning that changes with the wind, for the sole purpose of shutting down the conversation, to censor valid criticism and exposure of the accuser's hypocrisy and lies. Whenever someone cries hate speech, it should be taken as an automatic defeat and confession of the accusations made against them. They want to shut down an imminent tidal wave of evidence against them. To quote Terran (myself) - If you call my speech hate speech, then you hate my speech. So censor yourself for your own hate speech first, or I will do it myself and enforce your own rules upon you, the easy way or the hard way. And if you want to enforce a made up nonsensical rule that anything hateful is not allowed and all things must be tolerated, then I will convict and punish you according to already established law, for all the illegal things you tolerate and therefore endorse, facilitate and orchestrate, such as pedophilia, beastiality and terrrorism. And if you want to ban all hate, then you asren't allowed to complain and you must tolerantly go along with anything I say and command of you. People who cry hate speech are the most hateful of all. Hypocrites don't get to speak.
Racist - A follower of an ideology about race, such as Multiculturalism. Can be good or bad or neither, not inherently either.
Sexist - A follower of an ideology about sexuality, such as Feminism. Can be good or bad or neither, not inherently either.
Homophobe - Buzz word used mostly by homosexuals to portray thir opponents as having a phobia, meaning an unjustified fear of homosexuals, and therefore innuendo for gaslighting and calling their opponents 'weak cowards' beneath contempt whose criticisms are invalid by default, therefore justifying silencing and censoring the valid criticisms made by their opponents.
Islamophobe - Tactic copied from homosexuals. Buzz word used mostly by Muslims to portray thir opponents as having a phobia, meaning an unjustified fear of Muslims, and therefore innuendo for gaslighting and calling their opponents 'weak cowards' beneath contempt whose criticisms are invalid by default, therefore justifying silencing and censoring the valid criticisms made by their opponents.
Buzzword - A mantra repeated over and over, a hollow empty statement with vague/multiple meanings that has no depth, that can be used to weaponise a word, term or concept out of the context of a given conversation, in order to portray oneself as intellectually supperior because no-one understands them (illusionist bluffing with an empty hand) one's opponent as 'that bad thing' labelled in another completely unrelated situation.
Sociopath - Low level moral compass dysfunction. Causes one to behave impulsively, because they have no other/higher values other than the pursuit of feeling good in the moment. Leads to intellectual laziness, bad habits and a rejection of truth and meaning for a cheap high no matter the consequence, leading to drug abuse, progressive disconnect from reality and sporadic violence, even self destructive, which they know is wrong but they don't understand the cause because they never grew as a person in the first place. Incapable of understanding their own self sabotage, because they can't introspect, because they are shallow and self serving. Still self aware to a minor degree, but over time sociopathy degenerates into narcissism.

Narcissist - Mid level moral compass dysfunction. Completeely incapable of self awareness. They can only see themselves through the reactions from other people, which causes them to become aware that they are very different, but unable to see why. They see others talk about morals as a value, but having such a broken moral compass themselves a narcissist doesn't understand why morals have any value. They can't see themselves and they can't see other people, any more than a lifeless resouirce to be harvested. A narcissist sees morals as a shameful weakness, and because they don't understand morals, they see them as stupid, foolish and despicable. Narcissists crave power, because they are completely powerless. They are powerless because they have no foundation, and are eternally unsatisfied like a vampire, or a cup with the bottom cut out. A leaf blowing in the wind or a boat thrashing about in the sea without an anchor.While less self aware and more broken than a sociopath, they are in some ways more aware of what they are simply because they can see how people react to them differently. A narcissist still has a partially functioning moral compass, enoguh that it haunts them and screams at their own immorality. To resolve the screaming conflict and frail personality, a narcissist needs a host to vampirically leech off and get constant reinforcement from. Narcissists are deeply jealous of what others have, even when what others have is repulsive to them. They don't understand or even see their own hypocrisy on their own, and when shown it they get deeply ashamed and panic at their over being blown. A narcissist will try to act calm on the outside, but burns with incoherent, corrupted passion on the inside.
Psychopath - High level moral compass dysfunction. Complete death of any moral compass whatsoever, with nothing to hold them back besides deterrents of extreme punishment and suffering. But at the higher levels of psychopathy, not even punishment works as a deterrent. While less self aware than a narcissist, they are in some ways more aware of what they are simply because they can see how people react to them differently. A sociopath doesn't know what they are, a narcissist doesn't know what they are either but they at least can tell from reactions that they are different, but a psychopath is fully aware of what they are. A psychopath, being completely disconnected and so different, is ironically able to see the differences simply because of the diametric extreme contrast between their intentions and other people's intentions. As one progresses from sociopathy to narcissism to psychopathy in a scale, they become so disconnected that even their primal impulses fade away, and all thatb is left is a still silence, a self made prison they cannot escape from, and nothing is left but a hatred of those who are free. A psychopath will find it easy to act calm on the inside most of the time, but they burn with focussed rage and spite against the moral compass and value others have, which they can never have.
Ideology - A system of beliefs, traditions and rituals that go outside, above, beyond and/or against the natural order.
Fascism - An ideology where someone who takes charge in the absence of a needed saviour. Both heroes and villains are fascists.
Anarchism - A trojan horse ideology for the politically illiterate, to use them as sacrificial pawns for the purpose of weakening host nations and make them vulnerable to gradual Communist takeover from the outside.
Communism - An ideology about the community. Deliberately vague so that it can mean anything, allowing for villains to swap definitions and hide in a fog where they constantly shift the goalposts. Created by Jewish Zionists to rewrite history, and genocide and replace the White race. Refer to 1984.
Socialism - An ideology based around defending a natural socialm system, being a functional community, against outside interference. Originally evolved out of a need for a defence against the meddling of Jewish Zionists, those very same Jewish Zionists tried to hijack Socialism under the banner of Communism, to confuse the politically illiterate and wear the mask of their enemy in role reversal. Because Communism has such a bad name today, many Communists dishonestly call themselves Socialist, their ultimate enemy and opposite.
National Socialism - An Ethnostate ideology that focuses on promoting and defending good willed social cohesion within closed national borders, protecting the legitimate homogenous genetic group within from outsiders.
Police - Those who enforce policy.
Policy - Laws made by citizens, written and enforced by politicians.
Politician - Person hired by the citizens of a polis, to act on the consensus made by the citizens and do all the paperwork and enforcement of the laws discussed and agreed upon by the citizens in the central city square.
Polis - Self governing city state where laws and city planning are constantly debated on and organised by the citizens in the central city square. The equivalent of a modern day parliament or congress, which is supposed to be open to all citizens with the exclusion of hired public servants such as politicians and police.
Metropolis - A Polis with metro as a prefix, meaning a city state that has an extensive public transport system. Basically a cutting edge advanced polis on steroids.
Democratic Socialism - A trojan horse ideology (Communism under a false banner) that intentionally allows outsiders to covertly take over, outnumber and vote out the locals. Free stuff for everyone inside your country, without telling you that the front door is open for outsiders to take it all.
God - A deliberately vague word that can mean almost anything. Usually used in a personified context, but not nercessarily. A'god' generally means an uncontested level of arbitrary power or authority over something else.
Angel - A helpful/good/benign non-human person, musually a name given to extraterrestrial aliens. Sometimes the personification of ideas and concepts.
Demon - A harmful/evil/malign non-human person, sometimes a name given to extraterrestrial aliens. Most often a scapegoat to pass blame. Sometimes the personification of ideas and concepts.
Luciferianism - A broad umbrella term to refer to the pursuit and worship of power and evil.
Satanism - Personified form of Luciferianism.
Spiritual - The ultimate cop out term that can mean anything you want it to mean in the moment. Requires no definition, no explanation, and most especially no evidence. Nano machines, son.
Religion - More than just an ideology, a religion also involves a zealous focus on traditions, rituals and dogma. Contgrary to poppular belief
Polytheism - Follower of more than one god.
Monotheism - Follower of only one god.
Personification - A fictional person that embodies an idea or concept, most often used in story telling as a plot device for the purpose of bridging the gap between the reader and a foreign idea or concept. Some examples are 'God is love', a succubus, werewolves, vampires and the ancient Greek gods. It's common that multiple personifications merge together over time and their stories and symbols bleed into each other, changing into something very different to the original.
Gnostic - One who believes that knowledge can be attained, that something can be known. Often misunderstood to mean knowledge of God only, when it applies to all knowledge in general.
Agnostic - One who claims to believe that one cannot attain knowledge, that nothing can be known. Often misunderstood to mean knowledge of God only, when it applies to all knowledge in general. Since the claim that knowledge cannot be known is a claim of knowledge in itself, agnosticism is a self contradicting paradox and not a valid position. Agnostic is a buzz word frequently used by pseudo-intellectuals of the Communist persuasion, to virtue signal their superiority to religious people, when it is they who are more religious in an atheist sense than the religious theists they taunt. Agnostics are basically hypocrites who rub their hands and pursue victories over low hanging fruit. Like competing in the special olympics when you're not disabled, and still coming last due to a false start. It's basically making fun of yourself. But like atheism, there is a strong and weak form of agnostic, but the weak form has yet to be realsied by mankind yet. And that weak form is to simply say 'I don't know for sure yet'. And in at least most situations, that is the only honest answer one can give. And that weak form of agnostic is the basis for science, not the paradoxical strong form. But people are stupid.
Theist - A religious follower of theology, an ideology that affirms the existence of a god in some form or another.
Atheist - One who lacks a belief in a god whether personified or not. Atheism comes in two forms, strong and weak. A strong atheist claims that a God or gods don't exist, while a weak atheist simply says, 'I don't know yet'.
Christian Atheist - One who follows the earthly teachings of Jesus, but remains neutral to any supernatural claims about Jesus, which typically don't come from Jesus himself. And when they do, they are cryptic, vague and open to non-supernatural interpretations. Most people who identify as Christian, are Christian Atheists, even though most would consider the term to be a paradox out of ignorance.
Deism - One who believes that a dominant over-reaching God exists, but is non-interventionary and does not support churches, man-made authorities and otherwise official representatives in God's name.
Philosophy - The study of ideas. Basically, everything you say, think and do is the study of ideas, and therefore anything you say, think or do is philosophical. Fools use this term as a meaningless hollow buzz word to larp as an intellectual and impress intellectually retarded people, usually for the purpose of exploiting and otherwise a desperate attempt for a narcissist to gain the reinforcement they need to drown out what's left of their conscience.
Race and genocide
Natural order - The ways of nature, of evolution, as observed throughout the animal kingdom.
Ethnostate - A self governed geographical area with a focus on preserving and maintaining a single ethnicity within. Almost every country in the world is an ethnostate, except White countries, all White countries and only White countries, who aren't allowed to live independently among their own kind, as dictated violently by non-White outsiders (invaders) who come from ethnostates themselves.
Zionism - Supremacist, world domination ideology of the Jews.
Jew - Ancient guild of thieves, larping as the chosen people of the Bible/Torah.
Patriot - A zealous follower of a political entity, usually but not exclusively a reference to one's country/state/nation.
Faggot - A bundle of sticks, tied up as fuel for a fire. (A term since 1914, used to refer to homosexual perverts as a reference to them being worthless baggage society is forced against their will to carry)
Gay - Happy, joyous, merry, light heated and care free. (A term since the 1300's, hijacked in 1971 to reinvent the public image of homosexual perverts as being the opposite of what they really are)