One HYUNDAI, I saw MISTER BISHI, crossin a FORD, HOLDEN a sword, yellin 'DAI HATSU!, with an ACCENT like he was on some CONQUEST. I thought there was a military COUPE! I was really IMPREZA I tell ya. He was in such a FIAT, lookin really PISTON off. He just come COROLLA in, on his own ACCORD, without an ESCORT. I took a PHOTON with my phone CAMRY, and I tried to DODGE him. But he ROLLS me like ROYCE, and he PORCHE me over, breaking it like a TOYOTA. He ran off as SWIFT as a JAGUAR. He almost lost his FOCUS, only just NISSAN the BRIDGE of STONE. But he GETZ lucky, I guess he's havin a GOOD YEAR. He BENTLEY over as he ROMEO down the road. AUDI manage that is beyond me. All he said was HILUX. he should have said HIACE. I VISTA could have kept the PHOTON. He's such a MIGHTY BOY, reminds me of SUPRA man. I'm really PRADO him, he's such a CHALLENGER, not one to play a CHARADE.

So I'm a BOUNTY hunter, right? I meet this COCONUT in a MARS BAR. Calls himself WILLY WOMPA. He says, 'Hey, KITKAT, wanna dance?'. He takes me out to the TOP DECK, then he SNICKERS at me, and pulls out a gun. But he had BUTTERFINGERS, and I have a lot of TWIX up my sleeve. I used my rocket BOOST to BREAKAWAY through the AERO. he says, 'Well you're a really SMARTIE, aren't ya? Time to meet my boys, the M&M's'. I laughed, pulled out my dual flame throwers, and burnt them to a CRISPY CRUNCH. I broke off a FLAKE of CRUNCHIE flesh for proof. FREDDO wasn't too happy about it. FUDGE, he own's half the GALAXY. I took his kids for a PICNIC today, and told them what happened. It gave them quite a KINDER SURPRISE. I always find myself in ALDERAAN places. Everywhere I go, the same shit happens. I tried the LION BAR, the HEALTH BAR, the DOVE BAR, the HERSHEY BAR, heck I even tried the CHOCOLATE BAR. I keep tellin myself it's just all a bad DREAM. Anyway, nice chattin with ya. I need to TAKE 5 and have a TIMEOUT. Did that Wookiee just fart? CHEWIE RIPE! Phew!
