Transcript of break-in | Transcript of baldy man
Transcript of break-in.

Transcript of the time they broke into my home and confessed their crimes and intent.
Person 1 is what appears to be a fake locksmith in a fake uniform. He isn't wearing a real high visibility jacket, but a cheap fake from the Aldi store around the corner. He is being called by the name Todd.
Person 2 is a DCJ officer who calls themselves Tracy Curry.
Person 3 is mister baldy man, who seems to be known to the DCJ as Aaron, but is now officially called Shawn.

Person 3: Yep, the camera's on recording.

Person 2: (Heheheh)

Person 3: Right (Audrey?)?

Person 2: Yep.

Person 3: Hello, Housing?

Person 3: There's my ID.

Person 2: (Heheheh)

Person 3: We're here to check your smoke alarm if you're here mate.

Person 2: There's mine! (Heheheh)


Person 3: Well unfortunately part of today's test is I have to isolate the power, which is going to shut down the computer.

Person 2: Really!? (Heheheh)

Person 2: (Someone has to pay for this)


Person 3: I was gonna to try and kidnap him.

Person 1: It's all locked now

Person 2: Hahahaha!

Person 1: Could you read it?

Person 3: What is he saying on this door Todd?

Person 1: Something about hierarchy and, the government's breaking in, entering and kidnapping him.

Person 3: Yeah he's on the run seeking political asylum at the moment! Political refugee now!

Person 3: He's got some cool masks!

Person 1: They're not bad hey?

Person 3: Hmm...

Person 3: Oh look he's still on the run. You know what you do with these, don't ya?

Person 2: Take them on the run?

Person 3: Looks like, yeah a green screen. That's exactly what it is.

Person 2: Ah yeah, look at his life?

Person 3: Look oh, this is where you do like um, ISIS videos.

Person 2: He's a terrorist? Yeah! Hahahaha!

Person 3: Hahahaha!

Person 1: Hahahaha!

Person 3: I thought he would turn the light off?

Person 1: Sorry bruva!

Person 2: No-one knows he exists!

Person 1: You wouldn't think so!

Person 3: I have a bat if he'd like to talk to us!

Person 3: Can you get that back to us?

Person 3: You hit the nail on the head!

Person 3: Yeahehe! If he's gonna be inside he's gonna have to come in and unlock it!

Person 3: Make it a lot easier if he was just here!

Person 3: Alright, awesome. Home made laptop!

Person 3: All the way over seeing his girl for once, we'll interrupt them.

Person 3: Oh well, fuck the police too.


Person 3: The Communists are seeing me on Saturday calling me about that. Hehehe.

Person 1: Yeah!?

Person 3: Yeah! Hahahaha!

Person 1: Get fucked!? Hahaha!

Person 3: This was after they were supposed to take photos would you believe? And one of the boys threw his beer, and they know about it ...???...they know they're not supposed to take photos. And one of them turned up with the police. They mess with your car for ya!

Person 1: Hahaha!

Person 3: That's there too long in between 8:30 and 10. They go back in their car and haven't even had breakfast yet. Really fuckin wierd. (Hahaha)

Person 1: So you get... Hahaha!


Person 1: Not like a heavy something. Carlton Draft in the morning.

Person 3: Nah, not at all. It was a really nice beer actually.

Person 3: ... And it was raining and I was sitting on me little camp chair and the umbrella and me camera, haha, friggin long necks. Hahaha.

Person 1: Wow!

Person 3: He obviously goes into the house at times when you're ???*.

Person 3: ... His wordpress, and he's running his Anonymous thing and, won't be paid. Got all this computer, computer.

Person 3: Each to their own. I'm not gonna change anything for *???

Person 3: It's like religion. I've gotta survive, I've gotta survive, he keeps trying to impose it on others.

Person 3: He'll probably end up on Facebook, you watch. On his page.

Person 1: Yeah! I'm concerned! Hahahaha!

Person 2: (Hehehehe)

Person 2: This is a green screen inside a window.

Person 2: He's only one on us.

Person 3: He's seeking political asylum at the moment. He's on the run.

Person 2: Wanna see asylum? Hahahaha!

Person 3: He's on the run!

Person 2: Hahahaha! Stop it, Aaron. Hehehehe.

Person 1: Put it up at the verandah there.

Person 3: I love it!

Person 2: He's crazy, we can put him into asylum. We'll get him in a week.

Person 1: Hehehe!

Person 3: Hehehe!

Person 1: He's fucked!

Transcript of break-in | Transcript of baldy man
Transcript of baldy man.

Transcript of the time (18/8/2022) baldy man visited my home.
1. He came unannounced, with no warning letter in advance, which is required by law.
2. He came in plain clothes without a uniform.
3. He refused to identify himself.
4. He was loitering outside my home taking photos.
5. He continued to walk around the nieghbourhood, repeatedly coming back to my home and mocking me, while refusing to leave.
6. He previously broke into my home illegally and without a warrant or a police escort, cut my power and confessed on camera when he thought all the cameras were down, that he intends to gaslight, frame, kidnap, torture and kill me. While illegally inside my home, he went through my possessions, mocked me and my political situation as a whistleblower, and confessed with his government collaborators all kinds of horrific wide scale crimes in collaboration with the police and the housing department.
6. He admitted several times in this recording, including almost immediately after I opened the door, that his purpose there was to frame me in a kangaroo court as revenge for recording him doing and confessing horrific wide scale government crimes.
7. While refusing to leave, he continued to mock me in public outside my home, and kept coming back.
8. In a desperate effort to disguise his true identity and take me out in private, he tried several times to take me around the back in the park.
9. My only intention as clearly specified in the recording, was to make him leave, and that since he refused to identify himself, I would follow him to his car at a distance and get his licence plate number.
10. He is not the first person from Spotless, a subsidiary of Downer Group, to stalk and harass me. This is ongoing. I have another one several days later doing the same thing. But this time, I got a shot of his ID card, which shows a photo of a completely different person, with their eyes closed, and an expiry date that exired more than 2 years prior.
11. A google search reveals that these peopleare hired thugs with a history stalking, harassing and tenants for corrupt Housing NSW officials.
12. I have many witnesses who testified. I have the recordings clearly displayed on the door. The police refuse to acknowledge witness testimonies. The police refuse to accept my evidence. The police and Housing both take me to court to evict and kidnap me over his lies, and take his word for it and refuse to deal with witnesses and evidence. The same police have done this over and over in kangaroo courts to get me away from my cameras, where if they can't frame me in a kangaroo court, they are wait outside the court room door to kidnap, imprison indefinitely and torture me in the name of a random unspecified 'mental illness'. They all, meaning everry corner of the local government including all the local courts, do this because I am a whistleblower. Once I am evicted and imprisoned for 'reports of unspecified mental illness', I lose all my rights, dark horrors are done to be behind closed doors, and I am imprisoned in a psychiatric facility to the day I die. This is how they take out every whistleblower.

The following is a transcript of the event...
(I begin recording with the door closed for a while, as he loiters outside my home taking various photos, before eventually opening the door.)

Baldy man: How are you buddy?

Jeremy: What the hell do you think you're doing?

Baldy man: Leaving a note in your door and taking a photo of a photo there. A photo of me.

Jeremy: No, no. Give me your, give me your tool right now. You're taking photos...

(I open my door. Baldy man hides it behind his back, refuses to step back, and stands aggressively in my way pointing his finger at me deep within my personal space, not even giving me room enough to exit my door.)

Baldy man: I beg your pardon?

Jeremy: You're taking photos of my home right now. It's illegally.

Baldy man: I'll take a photo of you. I took as photo. I beg your pardon.

Jeremy: Take my home, you're in front of my home taking photos.

Baldy man: You have a photo of me? (points at me with a smirk) That's illegal, that was me that entered your home last year working with Housing.

Jeremy: Oh,. really?

(Baldy man puts his face forward deeper into my personal space at my front door)

Baldy man: That's right.

Jeremy: Really?

(I double take half reach for the recording device to gauge his reaction, and he panicked, held it behind his back and swiped at me with his arm. I lifted my arm up to block a potential punch. No contact was made. And even if there was, it is entirely justified. And any government official that says otherwise, is an imminent threat to society.)

Jeremy: Really? I've got you, I've got you on fucking camera, on camera.

(Baldy man does not step back as one would if I assaulted him. He leans in and points his finger deep in my personal space again.)

Baldy man: That's fine.

Jeremy: Get the fuck out of here. What's your name?

Baldy man: Relax.

Jeremy: What's your name?

Baldy man: Relax, it's not for me to tell you.

Jeremy: What's your name?

Baldy man: I'm not telling you anything.

Jeremy: What's your name?

Baldy man: You heard me.

Jeremy: Leave.

Baldy man: I'm going.

Jeremy: Leave.

Baldy man: I'm going.

Jeremy: Leave.

(Baldy man points in my face again)

Baldy man: Well make sure to stay where you are.

Jeremy: Leave.

(Baldy man points in my face again, almsot poking me in the eye)

Baldy man: You come near me and I'll take whaytever necessary means to defend myself.

Jeremy: Leave.

Baldy man: Do you understand that?

Jeremy: Really? Would you like to read my door again?

Baldy man: I took a photo of it mate.

Jeremy: OK, what does it say?

(Baldy man smirks at me and points again)

Baldy man: I've got exactly what you're doing.

(Baldy man begins walking away.)

Jeremy: What are you saying on camera? You're going to come after me with a bat like last time, hey?

(Baldy man turns around and refuses to leave again.)

Baldy man: I never said I'm gonna hit you with a bat.

Jeremy: You're gonna come after me with a bat. Get the fuck out of here.

(Baldy man points in my face again aggressively.)

Baldy man: Be very careful what you say mate.

Jeremy: Get the fuck out of here. Get the fuck out of here.

(Baldy man begins walking away again.)

Jeremy: You're gonna come with me with a bat are you?

(Baldy man turns back around and refuses to leave again. Points his head forward in my personal space)

Baldy man: I don't come with a bat. What are you talking about? It's an ipad. Ipad.

Jeremy: It's all, you're on fucking camera. You're on fucking camera. You're going to hit me in the head with a bat.

Baldy man: Housing was there.

Jeremy: Breaking into my home illegally. Breaking into my home illegally, tell me you're going to get me in the head with a bat.

(Baldy man points at my home)

Baldy man: This is public property.

Baldy man begins walking away again)

Jeremy: It's public property is it?

(Baldy man turns back around again)

Baldy man: It's not your home.

Jeremy: Get the fuck out of here.

(Baldy man stops and walks back toward me pointing his finger right in my face again)

Baldy man: I'm leaving.

Jeremy: Get the fuck out of here.

Baldy man: You yell at me one more time. Alright?

Jeremy: Get the fuck out of here.

Baldy man: Stay out of my space.

Jeremy: Get the fuck out of here.

Baldy man begins walking away again)

Jeremy: You're in my home. Get the fuck out of here.

Baldy man: This is public property mate.

Jeremy: Get the fuck out of here.

Baldy man: Yeah well get your own home. I do what I want.

Jeremy: And you follow the law.

(Baldy man stops and turns around facing me again)

Baldy man: I beg your pardon?

Jeremy: You follow the fucking law.

Baldy man: Yeah, I'm here with Housing mate.

Jeremy: No you're not.

Baldy man: Yeah.

Jeremy: Get the fuck out of here.

Baldy man: Have a good day buddy. It's good to see you again.

(I have never met this man before. The only involvement I ever had with him before was of him and two others illegally breaking into my home and confessing their intent to harm and kill me.)

(I continued following him at a distance to get his car registration number and find out who he is. Upon realising that, he stopped, turned around and walked back toward me out the front of my home.)

Baldy man: You're not following me mate. I'm gonna stand just here.

Jeremy: Yes I am. I'm going to find your car.

Baldy man: Why?

Jeremy: I'm going to get your licence plate.

Baldy man: None of your business.

Jeremy: Yes it is.

Baldy man: No it's not.

Jeremy: Yes it is.

Baldy man: Not today it's not.

Jeremy: Yes it is.

Baldy man: Nope.

(silence, while he stands there defiantly shaking his head refusing to leave)

Jeremy: I'm going to follow you.

Baldy man: You're not following me anywhere.

Jeremy: I'm going to find which car you're using.

Baldy man: No. You're not.

Jeremy: Yes I am.

Baldy man: None of your business.

Jeremy: What have you got to hide son?

(Baldy man points in my personal space again to provoke me)

Baldy man: All I'm here to do is check your smoke alarm. Just like last year.

Jeremy: Oh, last time. Like last time?

Baldy man: That's all I did.

Jeremy: Really?

Baldy man: Yeah. That's all I have to do.

Jeremy: Like last time?

Baldy man: Yeah. You recorded it. I remember, your whole little setup.

Jeremy: Yeah.

Baldy man: This is my job mate.

Jeremy: It's your job?

Baldy man: I'm not here to upset you. I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to check your fire alarm.

Jeremy: Really? You don't seem to be following any rules or regulations here.

Baldy man: And what are they?

Jeremy: Really? You're asking me for the rules and regulations? Come on.

Baldy man: No I'm asking.

Jeremy: Get on. Leave. Come on.

Baldy man: No, I'm not going anywhere.

Jeremy: Get the fuck out of here.

(Baldy man points the other direction down the side alley into the park)

Baldy man: You want to come for a walk? Let's go.

(Baldy man starts walking down the alleyway hoping I go into a private place without witnesses).

Jeremy: Realy?

Baldy man: I'll show you where the car is.

Jeremy: Oh, right. You're going to go that way now?

Baldy man: Yeah.

(Baldy man stops after his attempt to get me out of public view fails.)

Baldy man: It's none of your business where my car is.

Jeremy: Yes it is.

Baldy man: No it's not.

Jeremy: Yes it is.

(Baldy man starts pointing his finger at me aggressively again, still outside my home on the front lawn)

Baldy man: You want to push this? I'll have the police here in 5 minutes.

Jeremy: Really? Really? This is all livestream baby.

Baldy man: I don't care mate.

Jeremy: Get the fuck out of here. Leave.

Baldy man: Livestream whatever you like mate.

Jeremy: Get the fuck away from my home.

(Baldy man points aggressively at me again)

Baldy man: It's not your home for starters.

Jeremy: Get the fuck out of my home.

Baldy man: It's the department of Housing. You understand that?

Jeremy: Get the fuck away from my home.

Baldy man: Yeah? Good.

Jeremy: Get the fuck away from my home son.

Baldy man: I have every right to be here. I'm not your son, don't call me son.

Jeremy: Really? Get the fuck out of my home son.

Baldy man: Understand that? I'm not your son.

Jeremy: Get the fuck out of my home son.

Baldy man: I'm not in your home. Now you're on the street.

Jeremy: Get the fuck out of my home son.

Baldy man: You're actually standing on someone else's property.

Jeremy: Get the fuck out of my home son.

(Baldy man keeps shaking his head and won't leave)

Jeremy: You're taking. I just caught you taking photos of my home.

Baldy man: Yeah I certainly did. I'm going to be forwarding that to the tribunal. You'll get a letter from Housing.

Jeremy: I caught you breaking. I caught you breaking into my fucking home, saying you're going to hit be in the head with a bat and everything.

(Baldy man says something unintelligible, scratches his head and smirking)

Baldy man: Oh yeah? I'd like to see that recorded.

Jeremy: All your crimes, all on fucking livestream.

(Baldy man continues smirking)

Baldy man: Love to see it. Put it in court, let's go. Come on.

Jeremy: Oh, put it here? With a big smirk, take them all to court because they're all bought out right?

Baldy man: I beg your pardon?

Jeremy: Because they're all bought out right?

Baldy man: Listen mate. If you got your issues against society, that's up to you.

Jeremy: Get out of here. Get the fuck away from my home.

Baldy man: Don't speak to me like that, and I'm not going anywhere.

Jeremy: Get the fuck out of my home.

(Baldy man shakes his head)

Baldy man: No. What are you going to do about it mate?

Jeremy: No. I'm going to go get some fucking. I'm going to go get some fucking bodyguards right now.

Baldy man: Yeah.

(I walked back to my gate, and noticed he tried to make a quick escape to avoid being identified. I came back and followed him from a long distance toward his car. He was half way up the street. As I got to the front fence of my home again, he starts walking back down the street toward my and my home again.)

Baldy man: You're going to follow me are you?

Jeremy: Yeah. I want your car. I want your licence plate.

Baldy man: It's none of your business.

(Baldy man continues walking down the street back toward my home, as I stood at my front gate.)

Jeremy: It's none of my business?

Baldy man: No it's not.

Jeremy: Really?

(Baldy man yells out to any potential audience in the street)

Baldy man: There's a guy out here, he's to do your smoke alarm mate.

Jeremy: Really? It's illegal for you to take photos of my home.

Baldy man: I took photos of your front door. It's not illegal.

Jeremy: It's illegal to do. Everything you're doing is illegal.

Baldy man: This is my job.

Jeremy: Really?

(Baldy man walks up closer to me in the gutter and pulls out an ID card from a distance, far too distant to read and catch on camera)

Baldy man: That is my job.

(I walked up closer to him to be able to read his ID card and get it on camera.

Jeremy: Really? Give us a look at your ID badge then.

Baldy man: Don't come too close to be buddy.

Jeremy: Give me a look at your ID.

(Baldy man points at me aggressively)

Baldy man: Keep your distance. I'm warning you to keep your distance from me.

Jeremy: No. You're in my home.

Baldy man: Keep your distance. I'm not in your home.

Jeremy: Put your ID. Take it off. Take it off.

Baldy man: I beg your pardon?

Jeremy: Take your ID card off.

(baldy man points at me again)

Baldy man: Good luck with that.

Jeremy: Really? You won't even show your ID card.

Baldy man: It's right there in front of you mate.

Jeremy: I can't see it.

Baldy man: Your little samsung can't get it that's your problem.

Jeremy: It's too far away.

Baldy man: That's your problem.

Jeremy: It's too far away.

Baldy man: Maybe you should get a job and buy a new one.

Jeremy: So you own't even show your ID either.

Baldy man: Have a good. It's right here. It's bloody public is here.

Jeremy: Come on, come on, get the fuck out of here.

Baldy man: I'm not going anywhere mate. Don't speak to me like that and don't threaten to come to folllow my car.

Jeremy: Yeah. I'm going to find out who the fuck you are. You're just some random dude coming to my, coming to my home.

Baldy man: You know I was here last year, the year before that? I've been here for about 7 years.

Jeremy: Yeah, right. I haven't been here for 7 years.

Baldy man: No, I know that. I know that.

Jeremy: Yeah of course you do.

Baldy man: Befcause I've been coming to that property. I'm a property inspector, not a (???).

Jeremy: Really? You've been coming to people's homes saying you're going to hit them over the head with a bat and shit?

Baldy man: No. I've never said that.

Jeremy: Why the fuck are you still here?

Baldy man: I beg your pardon?

Jeremy: Why the fuck are you still here?

Baldy man: Are you making an accusation? You want to go to court?

Jeremy: Why the fuck arfe you still here?

Baldy man: Because you're going to follow me. So I'm not going to allow you to do that.

Jeremy: I'm going to find out who you are. I'm going to find out your ID.

(Baldy man nods and tries walking down the side alley again)

Baldy man: Alright, let's go.

Jeremy: Really? You're going to go around the back? Yeah, really?

Baldy man: Come on. I just want to go for a walk mate. Come on, let's go.

Jeremy: No, no, no, no.

Baldy man: Sure?

Jeremy: No. I want to find your car.

Baldy man: Yeah (???) simple as that.

Jeremy: You're going to go the other way are you?

Baldy man: Simple as that. (???).

Jeremy: OK, I'm just going to keep. I'm just going to keep waiting until you go to your car.

Baldy man: That's fine.

(Baldy man comes back towards me with his hands in his pockets taunting me, inside my home property again, standing and sitting with a smirk. I run back deeper into my propertly to get awy from him, expecting him to pull a weapon and/or attack me).

Jeremy: Look at this. He's standing right out the front of my home, waiting for an opportunity, over and over.

Baldy man: It's not your home. Not your home. Not your home.

Jeremy: It's not my home? Really, it's not my home?

Baldy man: It's the department of Housing. You may lease it but it belongs to Housing.

Jeremy: No, no no. This is my home. This is my home.

Baldy man: A part of your tenancy is to alow me entry into your home.

(Baldy man smirks again)

Jeremy: No no no. I'm not obligated to allow you under these conditions whatsoever.

(Baldy man waves his hands with a smirk)

Baldy man: It's not up to you to tell us that.

Jeremy: I'm not obligated to allow you into my home whatsoever.

(Baldy man continues smirking and pointing at me)

Baldy man: It's not up to you mate. I'm fine. I'm not going to argue with you. If you don't want me in that's fine. But if you follow me, and do not grab me me because that's assault. And that's on your word or mine.

Jeremy: Come on. Get. Fuck off. Get the fuck out of here. Get the fuck out of here. No no no, you take photos of my home. No, you take photos of my home after threatening to hit me in the head with a bat, I can do what the fuck I want.

(Baldy man continues smirking even more and awkwardly looks the other way, then turns back to face me waving his arm about with a big smirk)

Baldy man: I never hit you with a bat. SHow me where I threatened to hit you in the head with a bat mate.

Jeremy: No. It's on camera. It's all on camera.

Baldy man: You are a liar.

Jeremy: Get the fuck out of my home.

(Baldy man pokes his head forward taunting me)

Baldy man: You are a liar.

Jeremy: Get the fuck out of my home.

(Baldy man begins to walk away, and comes back yet again)

Baldy man: You come near me, and I'm going to do whatever I need to do to defend myself.

Jeremy: Get the fuck out of my home.

Baldy man: Do you understand that?

Jeremy: Get the fuck out of my home.

Baldy man: I'm not going anywhere.

Jeremy: Really? Now you're going to stay here at my home. Look.

Baldy man: Yeah. I'll take a seat if you want.

Jeremy: Ladies and gentlemen, does this look legitimate to you?

(Baldy man deliberately steps inside my property again with a smirk, taunting me and poking his head at me.)

Jeremy: I'm going to get a fucking weapon right now.

Baldy man: Go on, do it. Yeah? Alright. Did you just? Yep, getting yourself armed.

Jeremy: If you're still here by the time I get back, I'm going to fucking use it.

(I walked into my back yard, and noticed as soon as I went inside, he tried to quickly get to his car to avoid being identified. I quickly went back to the front gate, and once there I slowly walked at a distance filming him in search for his car registration number.)

Jeremy: Oh, still sneaking away. Trying to sneak away. Why do you have to park your car up the road so I don't know who you are hey? I'm going to get your licence plate.

(No dialogue for a while, as I walked at a great distance behind him to get his licence plate. An old woman was walking her dog, and he intruded in their personal space too, walking inbetween her and her dog to use them as human shields. He walked all the way to the end of the street, and into the next street, before turning around and quickly coming at me. I ran back down the road away from him as he came at me.)

Jeremy: Look at this. Won't even park nearby. Streets away right? Won't identify himself. Breaking the rules. Comes to my home without no warning. Claiming to be from the government. Look, see. He's coming back again. Coming back again. Coming back again. Look, he's going to chase me. I have to be a prisoner of my own home.

(Baldy man puts his hands in his pockets, as if to reach for a weapon again.)

Baldy man: You want to walk with a weapon, do you?

Jeremy: Prisoner in my own home.

Baldy man: You're in a public street now. You're the one following me.

Jeremy: I'm in a public street following you am I?

(While he is in the act of chasing me back into my home physically hinting at pulling a weapon on me)

Baldy man: Yeah.

Jeremy: Really?

Baldy man: Yeah.

Jeremy: Really? Look, he's chasing me to my own home.

Baldy man: Worked your whole life mate?

Jeremy: Yeah I was working as...

Baldy man: Worked to pay for this all. Have a great day.

(Baldy man gets into his car)

Jeremy: Worked my whole life have I?

Baldy man: I'll see you soon.

(I walked a safe distance in front of his car to get his licence plate, and immediately left.)

Jeremy: There we got it.

(Baldy man pulled out a phone and started walking toward me aggressively, chasing me back into my home again.)

Baldy man: Yeah. Two can play at that game buddy.

Jeremy: Yeah, you can record me all you like.

Baldy man: Yeah? Yeah? What are you going to do with my information?

Jeremy: What, your information? I'm going to publicise it to the whole world.

Baldy man: Oh is that right?

Jeremy: Yes I am.

Baldy man: Yeah, good. Thank you for that.

Jeremy: You're a stranger who's trying to break into my home, claiming to be someone you're not. Won't identify yourself. Breaking the law on every single step. Inside my home threatening to hit me over the head with a baseball bat. Breaking into my home illegally and everything. All on fucking camera you piece of shit.

Baldy man: I'll be seeing you later.

Jeremy: All in fucking camera. All on camera.

(I continued going back to my home quickly, as he did a final driveby of my home.)

Jeremy: All on camera. These people are supposed to give you warning in advance. No warning. Nothing. Turn up to my home, claiming to be from the government. Won't identify themselves. The same guy admitted it, in my home. Breaking into my home, going through my stuff, on camera. And I'll put it at the end of this video. I'll put a recording. I'll upload it and put a recording of what happened last time. Same people from Downer Group, collaborating with Housing NSW, over and over again. I went through the front door actually, may have locked myself out actually. Alright, I'm going to turn this off.