Evidence 5/11/2022
Local copy

Work in progress. There is a shitload of files and old databases to go through. I don't know how long this will take. I am very sick due to what the government did to me, might die soon, and it's difficult for me to go over the recordings of what they've done to me. I physically start throwing up when I see old videos of what happened. Evidence is still everywhere, but scattered due to so much being censored. Those who look will find more than enough.

2013 - When I was screwed over and first began going public with my life story, I uploaded it to Facebook as a note. My story included family abuse I have endured my whole life. My family, being perpetually scared of me going public with it and the bullying to keep me quiet, went through with their lifetime of gaslighting threats of having me 'committed' if I talked. They tried to break into my home, failed, said they reported me to police and disappeared as soon as the police arrived. Consider my family's response and whether you buy their playing dumb argument. They had previously got caught lying red handed when they had me temporarily locked up in a psychiatric facility under false accusations, and I was promised it would never happen again.

After I went public, I was repeatedly raided, then sieged, kidnapped and tortured under psychiatry over false accusations that were immediately abandoned as soon as I reached the destination. While tortured, I managed to smuggle a piece of artwork I did while being imprisoned, tortured and interrogated. Made with a pencil, a book edge and a shoe lace.

2014-2015: Compilation of evidence samples documenting the predictable government harassment, kidnappings and tortures after I began going public with my life story, role in Anonymous, and began progressively releasing evidence of systemic extreme government corruption.

2014-2015 - George Sliwinski and James Woolcock court documents. Sliwinski was the administrator and Jewish psychiatrist behind my torture and imprisonment, and both were involved in the Chelmsford scandal and an endless list of the worst crimes imaginable. Some are described in the court document provided. The government scrubbed Sliwinski's public records after I posted them on Facebook. Both men were best friends, worked together, and both killed their wives in cold blood the same way, as though in some kind of ritual. George Sliwinski was supposed to spend life in prison, only to be plucked out of prison, put in charge of a psychiatric facility, and given extreme powers to go above and beyond the law to make people disappear.

2015 - I was repeatedly followed by people who would run away as soon as I turn around or look at them. Many of them were using mobile phones pointed at me, as though they were trying to hack my phone. Sounds paranoid, right? My phones were actually repeatedly hacked and often destroyed multiple times, almost always soon after I upload and share evidence of systemic government corruption. Here is an example of where a configuration file was sent to my mobile phone through my ISP, remotely turning on my wi-fi, and connecting me to a hotspot named 'gotyou'. I watched the whole thing as it happened.

2016 - A video documenting the ongoing surveillance by multiple parties, and the failed attempts at covering it up.

2016 - Surviving extreme harassment, framing and assassination attempts from every angle, I continued to progressively upload evidence of government crimes. I was slowly closed into a corner with fraudulent legal orders into a set up to have me assassinated by police in another count down raid. I decided to upload and distribute several gigabytes of evidence to every mainstream news network in the country, all at the same time, at 11:11AM, 11/11/2016. A time and date to show that if anything happened, it wasn't a 'coincidence'. A short time later, assassins with weapons surrounded my home. I defended myself from an attack non-violently, barracaded all entry points, uploaded a recording and put a CD on my front door of the recording with a message. A short time later, police come and arrest me without a warrant or evidence, for loitering and affray inside my own home. I was never questioned, no witnesses testified, but somehow 4 police saw the whole thing and the story changed incoherently moment to moment. I was ordered to turn up to court at the end of the month, for incoherent 'crimes' that aren't even logically possible. Half of the injuries I received were done by police.

2016 - Recordings of all interactions regarding me and David Mehan, local Member of Parliament for The Entrance. He tried to find out where I was hiding, and tried to personally have me kidnapped and made to disappear. My government records show that I was surveilled upon as a result of him falsely accusing me of ridiculous crimes. If I had done those crimes, I would have been taken to court. I wasn't, and the false accusations don't coherently translate into a justification for being surveilled upon.

2018 - Regular break-in's of my home by the government to mess with me. Nothing inside ever stolen. Locks were repeatedly broken or stolen. A lock would already be broken and unusable, but each time they would damage it more anyway just to mess with me.

2020 - I almost die from a heart attack, while paramedics stand over me, refusing to help me, mocking me and leaving me to die. As always, I was denied any medical treatment whatsoever, and kicked out of the hospital with a glass of water.

2020 - I go far away to another hospital, John Hunter Hospital, in desperation. I go blind along the way and can't walk, and a bus driver has to help me get into the hospital. I explain my situation, give them a link to evidence and witness testimonies, and ask them to do something to guarantee my protection before giving me medical services to save my life. I am ignored, and left in a room for 24 hours with no medical help whatsoever while they panic outside the room and confirm my evidence is true. After 24 hours, I am lied to, intercepted and kidnapped. I made a Facebook livestream for a few seconds before being made to disappear again, but the livestream was cut off only a few seconds after it started. They immediately forced me to shut off the livestream, and I was grabbed, force injected, paraylsed in agony screaming from the injection while they stood around me in a circle, all in a ritualistic pose while the head psychiatrist sexually molested me as they watched in a ritualistic pose. After that, when I could move again, I was huddled in a corner foaming at the mouth, begging to die from the pain of the drugging and my previous injuries. After I became violent for a long time insisting I get emergency medical services before I die, they very reluctantly did something. But instead of providing safe MRI scans, they did a dangerous and unnecessary X-Ray which, according to them, came up with nothing but 'constipation'. They extensively drugged me, and after a week they transported me back to Wyong Hospital psychiatric facility to my original torturers. Not once was I given any medical services, only forced drugging 'treatment' for my 'mental illness' of 'believing the government is corrupt'. While there and sick as death, I somehow managed to sneak through one of two phones, which I secretly recorded a variety of hidden camera confessions of the horrific things they previously did to me. After finding out I had been publically sharing recordings of them, they confiscated everything. After the usual 6 weeks imprisonment and drugging, they put me on yet another legal order to extensively drug and torture me for the rest of my life over bizarre, vague and ever changing 'mental illness' accusations.

2021 - Explain GP badlty written text and fucked around with

2022 - Aubrey Cottle. He was endorsed by the mainstream media as being the founder. If he is the founder of Anonymous and I'm nobody, then why is the government and media endorsed 'founder of Anonymous' stalking and mimicking little old insignificant me?

2022 - Singh... (unfinished) On the way, I ask a hospital employee who is walking by, where the specialist facility is. She screamed at me to leave her alone because she has more important things to do, which was nothing more than a casual conversation on the phone while she should be working. I finally found the facility on my own. Here is a recording of the appointment. You can hear me make it clear that I cannot go to Wyong hospital under any circumstances due to 'legal' issues. After waiting another few weeks, I finally get a reply in the mail. And they tell me through mail that the surgery has been diverted back to Wyong hospital, yet again, and that it has been listed as non-serious and elective with a waiting list of another 6 months. And I am told that Wyong hospital has the 'power' to override the surgery and replace the surgeon with one of their own.

2022 - Attempt to report corruption and get emergency medical 'care' here, with two mirrors. They won't even let me make a complaint. Blocked at every corner.